High Precision Pastry Slicing & Portioning

Increase your yield and improve cut quality and uniformity with Newtech’s high-tech pastry cutting, slicing and portioning machinery

Our machines cut to an accuracy of 0.1mm. Choose from mechanical, ultrasonic and robotic models to slice and portion all kinds of pies and pastries with consistency and precision.

Bespoke solutions are also available – we’ll work with you to create a tailored system.

Pastries, pies and confectioneries Our ultrasonic machinery can cut all kinds of pastry from filo to shortcrust and hot-water pastries at frozen, chilled and ambient temperatures

Tray, round and loaf pies Effectively slice and portion a wide variety of pastry bakes including round pies, open pies, flans and quiches consistently and evenly every time

Delicate pies and pastries Cut pastries with a wide variety of fillings cleanly with minimal product loss. Our machinery will cut pastries with cream, fruit, custard and savoury fillings as well as products with combination fillings, such as gala pies and bakewell tarts.