Traybake Slicing & Portioning

Increase your yield, and improve cut quality and uniformity with newtech’s high-precision cutting and slicing machinery for traybakes.

Our machines cut  to an accuracy of 0.1mm. Choose from mechanical, ultrasonic and robotic models to slice and portion traybakes with consistency and precision. Bespoke solutions are also available – we’ll work with you to a create a tailored system.

  • Our ultrasonic machinery can cut all kinds of traybake products at frozen, chilled & ambient temperatures
  • Robotic systems can be programmed for square, rectangular or triangular cuts, or a combination of all three
  • Cut delicate cakes such as brownies, flapjacks and shortbreads consistently and cleanly every time
  • Effectively slice traybakes with minimal loss, including crumbly bakes and bakes that include fruit and nuts
  • Portion products consistently and cleanly to increase yields and reduce waste.